September 29, - October 17, 2020
Burgwin-Wright House
224 Market Street
Wilmington, NC 28401
Phone: (910) 762-0570
This show at Burgwin Wright House has been on my schedule since 2018... but honestly, who would've guessed the circumstances under which we would be living in 2020 back then? So, I'm all the more delighted to be the first artist to exhibit as the Burgwin-Wright House reopens after having been closed since March during the pandemic. I've worked hard over the last week hanging over 40 of my recent paintings... The gallery at Burgwin-Wright House is a beautiful, well-lit space and the art looks great there. Hope you can go see it!
To celebrate this step toward "normal", I'm giving away a painting at this exhibit. When you visit, make sure to stop by the display table where you will see the painting Energy Field along with the entry forms. It's a 12"x12" mixed media abstract on a birch wood panel. I used graphite, charcoal, oil pastels, watercolor crayons and acrylic paint to create the work, then framed it in a thin, black frame. It's ready to hang and could be yours. There will be a random drawing held after the exhibit closes and the winner will be notified by phone on October 19.
The museum is re-opening gradually, so access to the art gallery at the time I write this blog post is summarized below. Please contact the museum at (910) 762-0570 if you have any questions. There is no admission fee to view the art gallery.

Tuesday, Sept. 29 – Friday, Oct. 2 By Appt.
Saturday, Oct. 3 ▪ White Elephant Sale 8 am - 1 pm (Rain or shine)
Beginning Monday, October 5, the museum's regular hours resume - Monday through Friday, 10 am to 4 pm. There is no admission fee to the view the art gallery at Burgwin-Wright House.
Burgwin-Wright House
224 Market Street
Wilmington, NC 28401
Phone: (910) 762-0570